Scientific heritage of Dr. Lev N. GumilevDr. Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev [Gumiliov] (1912-1992), the greatest cultural geographer in Russian history. Despite his critics, L. N. Gumiliov opened a path of syncretic methodology that wed history to geography, humanities to science. He also moved the work of Vladimir Vernadskiy forward into the late 20th century, and created a bridge to Western ethnography in resonance with Bordieu, Leroi-Gourhan, and Levi-Strauss. Our primary goal is to divulge the ideas of Dr. Lev Nikolaeivich Gumiliov (L.N.G.) - his Passionary Theory Ethnogenes (PTE) - to specialized readers of historical literature as well as to general readers. You have a chance to read this books and some material on L. N. Gumiliov. After reading his works your picture of the World History will never be the same... If you read at least one of the Gumilev's books, you will be able to divide your life into two parts: before you read it, and after. Gumilev's Passionate Theory of Ethnogenes brings together findings of many sciences that might seem unrelated. On the pages of his books you will find answers to many questions historians, anthropologists, ethnographists and geographers were wrestling with for centuries. Lev Gumilev easily operates with facts from the history of Ancient Turks, Huns, Vandals, Khazars, Mongols, Germans and Slavs. Familiarize yourself with his theory, and you will have better understanding of the processes that took place in societies of the past, and you will definitely have a better clue of the processes taking place right now right around you. Lev Gumilev was the best historian among geographers and the best geographer among historians. If you can read in Russian, I highly suggest visiting Gumilevica.
There you can find many on-line books and a lot of articles by Lev Nikolayevich
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