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Lev Gumilev (1912-1992)

Scientific heritage of Dr. Lev N. Gumiliov

Dr. Lev Nikolaevich Gumiliov (1912-1992), the greatest cultural geographer in Russian history. Despite his critics, L. N. Gumiliov opened a path of syncretic methodology that wed history to geography, humanities to science. He also moved the work of Vladimir Vernadskiy forward into the late 20th century, and created a bridge to Western ethnography in resonance with Bordieu, Leroi-Gourhan, and Levi-Strauss.

Our primary goal is to divulge the ideas of Dr. Lev Nikolaeivich Gumiliov (L.N.G.) - his passionary theory ethnogenes- to specialized readers of historical literature as well as to general readers. You have a chance to read four books and some material on L. N. Gumiliov:

If you can read in Russian, I highly suggest visiting Gumilevica - Autotranslate. There you can find many on-line books and a lot of articles by Lev Nikolayevich Gumiliov, as well as maps, links and all kinds of related materials. Highly recommend!!!

Istoriya naroda Hunnu

The history of the Hsiung-nu people. The first part of "The Trilogy of the steppes" consists of several independent books by the scientist, who explored the history of the nomadic Hsiung-nu people. The first of them is "The Hsiung-nu" (1960), which is dedicated to the formation and fall of the great nomadic empire and still remains a classical monograph, an epoch-making in the Hsiung-nu studying. The book "The Hsiung-nu in China" (1974) is a logical continuation of the previous monograph, and its subject is the relationship between nomads and the settled population of China.

hun01 hun02 hun03 hun04 hun05
Distribution tribes of Inner Asia about 700 BC (60KB) Inner Asia about 135 BC (by the Chinese explorer Zhang Qien) (65KB) Disintegration Hsiung-nu (Xiongnu) from 71 till 61 BC (66KB) Inner Asia about 30 BC (67KB) The Routes of Tan Shi Huai's aggressive campaigns in 156-178 AD (67KB)
Source of the maps: Gumilev L.N., Hunnu: Sredinnaya Asia v drevnie vremena (AN SSSR, Institut Vostochnoi Literatury, 1960)

Drevnie Tiurki

Ancient Turks. The second part of "The Trilogy of the steppes" published in 1964.

Otkrytie Khazarii

Discovering Khazariia. The studies of Khazariya based on results of a long archaeological expedition on the Volga river and the northern shore of the Caspian sea (1966). Also contains works of other Russian scholars about the old Khazarian state, one of the most powerful states in Eurasia of the 8th century. Bibliography and short information about authors.

V Poiskakh Vymyshlennogo Tsarstva

Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom : The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John. This book is about the history of Central Asia in the ninth to the fourth centuries (1970).

Drevniy Tibet

Ancient Tibet. The studies of Tibet, Mongolia and Buriatia, as well as a description of Buddhist iconography.

Drevniaia Rus' i Velikaia Step'

Old Russia and the Great Steppe. Gumilev's studies of the relationships between Russia and its neighbors, primarily nomads, in the 9th through the 14th centuries (1989).

Etnogenez i biosfera Zemli

Ethnogenes and the Biosphere of Earth. The main scientific treatise where is described in detail created by the Russian scholar the passionate theory of ethnogenes (1978).

Konec i vnov' nachalo

An end and a new begining. It is a text-book on the passionary drive, which describes the mechanism of the passionary drive action in the Ancient World and in Europe, China, the Byzantine Empire, Turkey, Russia and other regions of the Earth during the epoch of Antiquity and the Middle Ages (1989).

Ot Rusi k Rossii

From Old Russia to Russia. The description of the ethnogenes Old Russia from IX century and Russia before XIX century (1992).

We would like to propose some plans of secondary character to our non-commercial project.

  1. Raise the quantity of published on-line scientific and popular works of L.N.G. by posting the one part of the Steppe Trilogy "The Millennium around the Caspian Sea".
  2. Create a biographical chapter covering the style of works and the circumstances of writing certain of them for public knowledge.
  3. Development of a cartographical project on the historical maps and "Chronosophy" by L. N. Gumiliov in the 9th through the 14th centuries.
  4. It has been proposed to post a series of works of other historians (for example, the classic work by A. J. Toynbee, "A Study of History"), especially those mentioned by L.N.G., in order to create a much more complete historical library.
  5. Create a discussion forum including historians and fellows of the PTE in order to reach a wider public.
  6. Build a word-sensitive search engine covering the on-line materials (texts, historic charts and maps).
  7. Work to interest the most attractive authors to post their works on-line while at the same time developing further the theory of L.N.G.

In this way, the site will consist of two parts: "The Archive of the Scientist" and "Contemporary Facts (Ethnology on the Way)".


16/02/25 - 23:22
